“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth certainly had a way with words! My inspiration this week has come in part from the writings and life of this poet. He was drawn to the study of knowledge and spirituality; and his interest in the human relationship to nature, combined with his love the English landscape, was immortalised in his poetry.
This past week I have been wondering how often to write Tuesday Tips (weekly as now, monthly, periodically?) as we move back to a busier way of being, and the above quote has given me encouragement to continue filling paper with heartfelt words. As have many of you – thank you again for all the notes and calls of encouragement, it is much appreciated!
Some of you will know that a couple of years ago my body ‘misbehaved’, and with a diagnosis of probable stroke, significant loss of visual field, and consequently the loss of my driving licence, I had to take a break and review ‘what next’. In reality, I turned not so much to conventional medicine, but to the work of Dr Joe Dispenza. Now fully well, I don’t intend to tell the story of my complete healing here today, but it has led me to a search for a deeper understanding of spirituality, neuroscientific principles and to study many other people’s work. It has also led me to attend many workshops run by Dr Joe Dispenza and his team and volunteering at events. There is so much to share from my experiences, but the resounding impact of each event is the multiple positive effects of being in an environment where I am surrounded by loving, happy people, of serving and caring for others.
Back in the 1980s, I remember discussing with my late father the selfishness of nursing. Yes, I did write that! I described to him that I found that the harder I worked, the more energy I put into caring for my patients, the more love I put into my role on the dermatology ward - the more thanks and praise I was given. So I gave more. Then I received more. It worked! But fundamentally back then, I saw this cycle as selfish.
Now that I have found environments where I can give again, I get that buzz again. I thrive on the gratitude of knowing my actions have impacted others in a positive way. Every time I come back from an event, friends, family, colleagues are taken aback by the increase in my energy levels, my joy for life, my enthusiasm for pretty much everything!
So, what are my tips this week?
Well, there is huge change going on all around us, unrest, uncertainty, frustration, even loss. My experiences of giving have made such a difference to me, and I challenge us all to be a little kinder this week, find an opportunity every day for at least one little random act of kindness. At the end of the week, look back, reflect on those little acts, and consider the impact they had on not only those you showed a kindness to, but also on you and others around you.
You may have noticed my Facebook profile change a few weeks ago – at that time, Dr Joe Dispenza launched a beautiful and loving meditation to support us all as we faced the growing pandemic, he called it GOLOV-20. Hence my changed picture. I have shared the meditation with many friends, accompanied by a personal note letting them know what they mean to me. Many of my friends have shared it onwards, frequently sharing it back to me too.
Taking my own advice of sharing random acts of kindness, I would now like to share GOLOV-20 with you. It is a sharing of love, of support; the meditation is short at just 15 minutes, but it is profoundly beautiful. I would like to share the instructions for the meditation with a personal note for anyone wishing to receive one, so please contact me at lorna@aestheticsource.com for the explanation of the meditation. For those who already know how much I care and just want to do the meditation now, it is openly available on YouTube.
Meditation LINK.
I will round off with another quote from Wordsworth, and although maybe in 2020 people would prefer to rewrite this to a gender-neutral quote, for the sake of correctness, I will say that I understand it as humankind, not just man:
The best portion of a man’s life is little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.
From Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth